The Board of Governors at Beulah Junior School

Our Governing Board’s role is to agree and uphold school policy. Governors also think strategically to make decisions that will ensure the smooth and successful running of the school. They are committed to provision of searching and thoughtful challenge in order to support staff, parents and pupils. Governor are resolute in their drive to ensure that every child enjoys their time at Beulah Juniors and makes the best progress.

The Governing Board is organised into several committees that cover all aspects of school business. They hold regular meetings termly to make sure they carry out their work effectively. Some of our governors have responsibility for specific areas of the curriculum and in order to function well they liaise with members of staff to discuss strategies outlined in the School Development Plan. They check on how the work of the school is developing and hold Senior Leaders to account in order to secure the best outcomes possible for all our children.

Contacting the Governing Body

If you wish to contact the Clerk to the Governor, The Chair of Governors, or the Vice Chair of Governors

This can be done via the School Office.

Tel: 0208 653 4921


Address:   c/o Beulah Junior School

Beulah Road

Thornton Heath

Surrey CR7 8JF

More Information on School Governors

The following organisations provide excellent information on what school governors do and how you can become a school governor.

    • National Governors Association (NGA)


Our Governors

Name Category Role and Responsibility
Ms Shona Campbell Co-opted Governor Chair of Governors; Attainment & Progress/Data analysis
Mr John Grewe Co-opted Governor Vice Chair of Governors Chair of Premises Committee

Governor with responsibility for maths

Ms Lucy Glover Co-opted Governor
Mr Roger Hendrick Co-opted Governor
Ms Catherine Clarke Co-opted Governor
Ms Karina Buitrago Parent Governor
Ms Ann-Marie Griffiths Parent Governor
Ms Joy Ahwieh  LA Governor Governor with responsibility for literacy
Mrs Marilyn Rajadurai Parent Governor Governor with responsibility for literacy
Mrs Bernice Warwick Staff Governor Head Teacher



Ms Clair Budd Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Christine Harper Clerk to the Governors



Beulah Junior School

Beulah Road
Thornton Heath,
Surrey, CR7 8JF.

Tel: 020 8653 4921

School Hours:

Gates open 8:35am
School starts and gates close 8:45am - 3:15pm

Upcoming School Events