Our children are taught through a mixture of written and practical experiences to ensure that what they are learning has as much real life context as possible. We aim to enable each child to develop a positive and confident attitude to mathematics, encouraging an ability to think clearly and logically. We intend our pupils to develop an understanding of mathematics through the formation of secure concepts based on:
- Use of appropriate practical activities to move from concrete to abstract concepts.
- The ability to select and use a range of mathematical resources to foster independence.
- Constantly developing mathematical skills and knowledge: quick recall of basic facts and effective written methods.
- The ability to express ideas concisely using accurate mathematical language.
- An ability to identify and reason about patterns and relationships in mathematics.
- Experience in the process of enquiry and investigation.
- The ability to apply skills mastered in a variety of contexts and an awareness of the uses and applications of mathematics in everyday situations.
- An enjoyment of mathematics!
Maths is taught as a discrete subject but links are made with the pupil’s curriculum topics where appropriate. Our maths curriculum, based on the 'White Rose' scheme of work, covers Number (including Place Value and Fractions), Statistics, Measurement and Geometry.
Every maths lesson includes a mental maths element, ensuring that the pupils are developing their independent skills in an interactive, engaging way. Mental Maths is an important focus for us at Beulah Junior School and children have their own Mental Arithmetic books which they work on independently during early morning sessions. Each book is designed to suit the child’s level of understanding and supports them in moving on in their mental agility. These books also ensure that the curriculum is 'spiraled', providing frequent practice across the mathematical domains to link learning and ensure that children learn, practice and remember more.
Each learning block has a set of steps which are shared with pupils. Teacher and teaching assistants provide verbal feedback within lessons. Children are encouraged to mark their own work and see learning opportunities where they have made errors. They assess their own understanding towards each 'learning intention' at the end of each lesson.
Every child’s learning is supported in lessons in a variety of ways. Teachers start with the plan from the 'White Rose' scheme and adapt for the individual needs of their pupils to ensure that all make good progress. The school has a large variety of resources including place value aids, fractions equipment and Numicon to support pupils in visualising and understanding problems. Our aim is for every child to be independent in how they approach problems and in choosing resources to support them in doing so.
Where children need additional support this is offered in a variety of small group experiences. These may be to support children in independently mastering skills from lessons they have found challenging, or specific interventions for number or times tables.
We strive to create interesting and varied opportunities for children to practice their mathematical skills. These have included an Enterprise week where children budgeted, designed, made and sold their own products at a Christmas fair.
We hold termly meetings with parents, where the topics and key skills to be covered are shared. We include suggestions to guide parents in ways to work with their children to embed this learning. Further parent workshops are planned to support this work in partnership.
Every child has their own targets set through the Number Star system. This begins by focusing on basic number facts and gradually builds on these as the child moves through the ‘Stars’.
Times Tables
All children should know multiplication tables up to 12x12 by the end of year 4. TT Rockstars is our online platform for pupils to practice and improve their fluency. Ongoing assessment supports this aim and we encourage parents to help by regularly quizzing their child.